Information for players

This page is for information regarding upcoming concerts where a place to play has been confirmed. 


Saturday 21 September 2024, 7.30pm

The Abbey, Romsey

Parking: Romsey Car Parks. Please note outside the Abbey is incredibly limited and should be considered for those with large instruments only.

Dress: DJs men, all black - ladies

Green Room: Allocated on the day

Post concert: The White Horse


Vaughan Williams - 5 Variants on Dives & Lazarus

Walton - Spitfire Prelude and Fugue

Holst - A Fugual Overture

Holst - The Planets 


Additional Choral Rehearsal: Sunday 15th September, 2.30pm-3.30pm, Christ Church Freemantle, Southampton SO15 3BS

Rehearsal Plan (subject to change)

1100 STRINGS RVW - Dives & Lazaurus 

1150 wind brass seated

1200 TUTTI Walton - Spitfire Prelude

1230 Holst - Fugual Overture

1300 LUNCH

         CHOIR rehearsal (North transcept)

1345  TUTTI The Planets (starting with Neptune)

1515 BREAK

1530 The Planets

1700 Finish
